Add and translate new content

Add conditional content with ifconfig

Conditional content is published to the output only if it matches the specified conditions. In our project, this condition is the language of the document.

For Sphinx to process the conditional text, it needs the ifconfig extension. Add ifconfig to the extensions list in

extensions = ['sphinx.ext.ifconfig']

Now we will add some information about translation of the text to index.rst. This information is not needed in the original document, so we will exclude this text from English.

Open index.rst and add “Translation info” to the end of the file, like this:

Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!

.. ifconfig:: language != 'en'

        Translation info

Note that we added the text to the source .rst file in English, not to .po files. You will see later that this text won’t be published in the html output in English.

You can download the updated version of and index.rst.

Update translation

You already know how to deal with .pot and .po files:

  1. Generate .pot files:

    make gettext

    This command updates index.pot in _build/gettext.

  2. Generate .po files:

    sphinx-intl update -p _build/gettext -l ru -l pt_BR

    This command updates index.po in locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES and locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES.

  3. Translate the new strings in both index.po files.


    #: ../../index.rst:po
    msgid "Translation info"
    msgstr "(Переведено authoress)"


    #: ../../index.rst:52
    msgid "Translation info"
    msgstr "(Origem da tradução: `PythonBrasil "

You can download both updated index.po files.

Build updated documentation

Build the Russian documentation:

sphinx-build -b html -D language=ru -d _build/doctrees/ru/ . _build/html/ru/

Build the Portuguese documentation:

sphinx-build -b html -D language=pt_BR  -d _build/doctrees/pt_BR/ . _build/html/pt_BR/

Now index.html in Portuguese and Russian should contain the newly added information about translation. If you build English documentation, you will see that no new content is added to index.html.