Publish on GitHub Pages

As GitHub documentation says, “GitHub Pages is a static site hosting service that takes files straight from a repository on GitHub, optionally runs the files through a build process, and publishes a website”.

Before you publish your documentation on GitHub Pages, make sure your documentation files are in the zen/_build/html directory of your repository, like this:


If you created your repository from the demo repository template, all the required files are already in the zen/_build/html directory.

To publish files from this directory on GitHub Pages:

  1. Open your repository settings.

  2. Select Pages.

  3. In the Build and deployment section, under Source, select GitHub Actions.

  4. In Static HTML, click Configure.

    GitHub pages settings

    GitHub creates a .github/workflows/static.yml file for you.

  5. In static.yml file, find the path element, it should look like this:

    # Upload entire repository
    path: '.'

    Change the path as follows:

    # Upload _build/html
    path: './zen/_build/html'
  1. Click Start commit, and then Commit new file.

Commiting static.yml

Once static.yml is committed, GitHub immediately starts publishing your documentation site. The publishing process may take some time, and when it is finished, you can open your documentation by clicking Visit site on Settings -> Pages:

Visit site